Didn’t we have a lovely time the night that we went round Carol’s! As a grammar-nazi I feel that should have a question mark but I’ve decided to give it an exclamation mark instead, because we did, have the most amazing night, with all the Cousins. Female cousins that is, not that we have anything against the males ones. Sometimes, you just need some girly time!
I am blessed to have loads and loads of cousins. My dad was the seventh of eleven children. It was a close family and growing up I spent lots of time with the Cousins. Three of my dad’s brothers lived very near to us and we grew up together. On Saturday night, Carol invited all the girl cousins round, except Christina, Jacqueline and Pauline, who all live in USA and Woodford Green was a long way to come for dinner. The Daughter was invited, too, because Carol wanted to repay some of the kindness the Daughter has shown to her mum over the last couple of years. We met up at seven and left at half past twelve and it was five and a half hours of noise, reminiscences, stories and anecdotes all punctuated by gales and gales of
high-decibel laughter. Carol is the most amazing hostess; the wine flowed, the food was great – big shout out to Donna who made the desserts! – but above all the company was brilliant. I absolutely love and adore all the Cousins – males and females. I consider it a privilege and honour to be related to them. They have almost without exception faced adversity but they’ve come through the other side smiling and strong. Our Dads – and we are all related through our Dads as nine of the eleven were boys and only one of the girls, Auntie Rose, had daughters and they are the three that live in the States – had all seen active service, knew poverty and hunger growing up, but had good old working-class London values instilled into them. Their father died young from TB, which he contracted as a result of gas in the lungs during WWI. Yet none of them turned to crime, rather they took any job they could to fend for their families and give all of us the best life they could. And their values are reflected in this group of wonderful women that I love so much and had such a great time with on Saturday. The Daughter loves them, too and I know that she looks to them with admiration. Here’s our photo:

The Spires Girls around the table – Irene, Teresa, Janet, Debbie, Lynn, Carol, Donna (honorary Spires Girl who made the desserts) Sue, Joanne, Linda, Jill and me! The Daughter was the photographer.
And today, I was in the audience of Loose Women with my friend MW. Another lovely time was had. Now, I’m sure that when I was in the Ladykillers and Mrs Wilberforce’s Friends were referred to as a Society of Loose Women, it had no lack-of-morals connection. However, I’ve looked it up and can find no meaning other than that for it. Anyway, my favourite loose woman, Janet Street-Porter was on the panel, which was led by Ruth Langsford, another favourite, so I was happy, and the guest was the beyond-brave-and-amazing, Katie Piper. We have been spotted by several friends, so I’ll have a vain, little look on itvPlayer later. I woke up to the delight of snow but it caused havoc with the trains. (How do they manage in Norway?) But we got there in plenty of time and the hot drinks were very welcome. After we strolled down to the London Eye and had a lovely lunch in All Bar One, washed down with a glass of red (moderation in all things!) to help keep the cold out for the journey home. Today an audience member – tomorrow a guest panellist! And here I am having a cheeky photo as we were being ushered out at the end! I can’t get the photo next to this text – my IT skills are somewhat Medieval, so please bear with me!