With apologies to purists for dabbling with the words of Bottom.
Yes! We’ve been delighted, ecstatic, over-the-moon to discover that our short film Only the Lonely has been chosen for the prestigious Underwire Film Festival to be held at the Barbican on 22nd November. Yay! Watching the film is an indescribable feeling; seeing the characters come to life and speak “your” words is very rewarding and fulfilling. Now seeing it on the big screen will be a dream come true. And….. the film is also nominated for an award in the XX Category – best on-screen protagonist. How exciting! Cross your fingers for us. For more details about the Festival click on this link: http://www.underwirefestival.com And if you want to see it here’s the link for booking tickets: https://www.barbican.org.uk/whats-on/2018/series/underwire-film-festival-2018
Continuing the writing theme, I went to a talk – Writing Together – given by the long-time team of Ian Hislop and Nick Newman at the Imperial War Museum on Wednesday night and very enjoyable it was. Not just enjoyable but informative and entertaining. I have to confess that I am a huge Have I Got News For You fan and love Ian so meeting him was brilliant.

With Ian Hislop and Nick Newman
I sat up the front and lapped up their advice – which wasn’t just about collaborative writing but also about script-writing in general and I came away feeling I’d learned a lot and it had been a very worthwhile evening. This is what’s so great about living back in London – there’s so much going on!
I had a trip to the Queen’s Theatre in Hornchurch last night with AOF*. For those whose don’t know it, it’s a brilliant 500-seat theatre that puts on amazing shows. Last night it was Once. Now, while it’s not the best musical in the world imho, I have to say the energy from the multi-talented cast was off the scale. And I loved the set, especially the way the actors moved it around. I just for a couple of the ballads a bit samey and the show was about 3 songs too long for me. But I did enjoy it. It’s on for another three weeks so if you get the chance do go and see it.
And another joy of living back here is that the Daughter can come visit. And she has – so I’m in Mother Heaven at the moment. She’s had a nasty accident and is suffering but smiles and stays cheerful through it all. 💖 💖 💖 her so much!
*An Old Friend