Yes. I kid you not. Finally after so much aggro with Amazon that would make a novel in itself, I am able to offer you The Banjo in paperback form through my website. The Banjo is set in Dagenham in the 50s and 60s and it’s not about a musical instrument! A banjo is a pedestrian cul-de-sac of which there are dozens in Dagenham and the name seems only to be used here. Mention a banjo to people from other areas and they look at you as if you’re mad! 😂
To order your copy of The Banjo just go to the homepage of my website and click on the link to buy either the paperback or the kindle version.
I hope you enjoy it – and if you do please leave a review on Amazon for me. reviews are an author’s lifeblood and the way are books are brought to a wider audience. Thanks so much.

Me and The Banjo
Hi ..l used to live in Dagenham and my brother in law used to live in Bentry Road…where can l get a cope of this book please.
Hi..could you please tell me where l could get a copy of The Banjo..regards doreen jones.
Hi, Doreen
My books are listed on the Home page of my website. Just click on The Banjo and it should take you through the purchasing process.
Many thanks
Ive paid for this book through PayPal but couldn’t find my order on your site. You don’t have my details. What to do?!!
Hi Liz
We have received your order and your copy of The Banjo will be dispatched shortly.
I hope you enjoy it.
Thanks and regards
What road was the banjo in the book, I lived in Dagenham for 50 years one road/rothwell rd/gardens both had banjo‘S and I lived in The both of them
Hi Tina
Cromwell Close is a fictitious banjo just off Stansgate Road. It’s amazing how many people lived in Dagenham banjos- and how nobody else knows what we’re talking about!
Thanks for getting in touch.
I grew up on heath park estate in the 60s and 70s
Hi Sue
Where did you live? I lived in Stansgate Road.
Best wishes
Hi Elaine I have just finished The Banjo book one and so happy to see there is now a second book. I grew up in Joan Rd., in Dagenham, not in the banjo but the first house next to the green space. I have never heard the word applied in any other place I have lived. I now live in cul-de-sac in Lawford, still in Essex.
Hi, Diane
Thanks for getting in touch. I am so pleased to hear you enjoyed The Banjo Book One. I hope you’ll enjoy Book Two as much. Perhaps you’d be kind enough to leave a short review on Amazon?
Thanks and regards,
Elaine x
Hi Elaine .
I am half way through the first book . I am really enjoying it. Bringing back so many memories . I have lived in Dagenham from the age of 3. Lawrence Crescent (which is a banjo) where my parents still live ; I used to hang around Heath Park Estate with my friends in the 70s . Quite a lot of my friends lived over Heath Park and my mum always referred to the parade of shops….as the ‘New Shops’ too. She used to do her shopping there and have her hair done at the hairdressers . I now also live in a banjo . I am looking forward to book 2
Hi, Debbie,
Thanks so much for getting in touch. I am so pleased you’re enjoying The Banjo Book One and can relate to so much in it. The Heath Park Estate was quite a unique place, wasn’t it?
I hope you enjoy Book Two as much.
Kind regards
My partner was talking about cul de sacs over the weekend and he laughed when I said I know them as banjos. He didn’t believe me, I googled and come across your book. I live up north now but was born and bred in dagenham in 1986. I grew up on blackborne Road. It was certainly a good childhood and am looking forward to reading your book
Hi, Daniel
A banjo really is a Dagenham thing!
I know Blackborne Road well; my first boyfriend lived there.
I hope you enjoy the book!
Kind regards