Spiritual Healing

I have absolutely no truck whatsoever with religion.  ‘The opium of the people’, brainwashing, call it what you will, it is not for me and I do not understand those who follow religions, or whose faith makes them intolerant of others.  Rather like the political bigot, the religious bigot is blinded to the fact that they possess the very traits they criticise in others.  And, all those religions that I have come across have been laid down by men and these religions always place women in an inferior, subservient role.

However, I am a spiritual person.  I believe that there … Read the rest »

It Packs a Rum Punch!

(Written 22nd March but not posted until 23rd due to lack of internet).

Well, today marks a week since I arrived.  As always, I look around and think “Where has a week gone?” but at least I can say I’ve made great inroads into HOLIDAY READS 2, which will be out in May.

I also try to take time just to enjoy being here and not beat myself up if I don’t spend every moment of every waking day writing.  On Thursday afternoon I decided to take myself out for a while, having been home all day writing.  I drove … Read the rest »

Elaines Are Gobby

Yes!  It’s official!

I had a text message early this morning from my good friend Mr G, enquiring as to whether I had contacted the Metro with a comment about Jeremy Clarkson.  The answer was, of course, a resounding, ‘No!’ – Mr Clarkson does’t even register on my radar, having no interest in car programmes or grumpy old men.  But I was curious as to why Mr G had asked me that question.

It turns out that ‘Elaine from Essex’ had written a comment ‘that sounded like something you might say’ was Mr G’s reply.  Well, we Elaines are a … Read the rest »

Skyped Right Up

I am Skyped right up!  I am impressed, I might even say in love with Skype. As I blogged last week, we’ve been using it very successfully for rehearsals of Vagina Monologues  and it has meant that we can rehearse without everyone having to be in the same room.  Now, I know that some of you reading this it will be saying ‘What is she going on about?  Skype isn’t exactly new!’  Well, I know that, but for me – a woman who is in the year 1754 where technology is concerned – it is a miracle indeed!

And today, … Read the rest »

Blogpost With Knobs On

Well, what a busy couple of weeks!  I can’t believe how long it has been since my last blog and do apologise for keeping you waiting.  How rude am I?  So here is a longer-than-usual blog; a blog with knobs on, as it were.

I was thrilled and excited to be chosen as one of sixty ‘top authors’ for the Clic_Sargent auction.  People can bid to have a character take on their name in my next book, while donating to a very worthy cause – the Sargent Cancer Care for Children –  all at the same time.  I am in … Read the rest »

Family Doof Doofs!

Yesterday was a truly delicious day!

Of my dad’s large family on two of his brothers, Uncle Stan and Uncle Tony are left with us (and three of their sister-in-laws; Auntie Joan who was married to Uncle Alex, Auntie Audrey who was married to Uncle Johnny and Auntie Betty who is still married to Uncle Tony).  They are two of my favourite people in the whole world and every three weeks they meet up with each other for lunch in the Owl on Lippitt’s Hill, Loughton, where Uncle Stan lives.  Yesterday I went along to join them.

Seeing them was … Read the rest »

Bloody Loved It!

Over the years I have been involved with a few low-budget films and watched quite a few more.  The image that the term ‘low-budget’ conjures up is of poor sound and visual quality, over-acting and editing that looks like it’s suffering from St Vitas’ Dance.  So when I heard that some people I know had made a film, I’ll admit that while I was supportive of them, I wasn’t overly enthusiastic about seeing it.

Mea culpa!  Mea culpa!  Mea culpa!

Initial reactions from others to said film, Blood and Carpet, was positive; people in the industry were saying good things … Read the rest »

Grey, Twisted Love

I have spent today offering up prayers of thanks and gratitude for my dear friend J A who underwent surgery earlier in the week and who I went to visit this morning.  I couldn’t believe how well she looked considering all that she’s been through and that she’s still in pain.  We are very close, I love her to bits and I was just so, so thankful that she’s come through it, and with her biting sense of humour in tact.  And, of course, there’s a bit of me that offered up the gratitude that I am in good health.  … Read the rest »

My Valentine’s Thanks to YOU!

Dear Lovely Readers,

This Saturday is Valentine’s Day.  You may know my thoughts on the subject: you show someone you love them by the way you treat them every day not by being dragged into the ever-increasingly commercialised show day that 14th February has become.  However, I wanted to show you my gratitude for buying my books, be it in paperback or as Kindle downloads.

So………..drumroll……….I’ve written a Valentine’s Day novella, Weak at the Knees, which will be available as a FREE Kindle download from 13th-17th February.  Here is the link:http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/?field-keywords=Weak%20at%20the%20Knees&node=341677031



With love

Elaine xx

 … Read the rest »

A Family of Loose Women

Didn’t we have a lovely time the night that we went round Carol’s!  As a grammar-nazi I feel that should have a question mark but I’ve decided to give it an exclamation mark instead, because we did, have the most amazing night, with all the Cousins.  Female cousins that is, not that we have anything against the males ones.  Sometimes, you just need some girly time!

I am blessed to have loads and loads of cousins.  My dad was the seventh of eleven children. It was a close family and growing up I spent lots of time with the Cousins.  … Read the rest »