Room 101

While channel-surfing the other evening I came across a programme called Room 101, where ‘celebs’ pick things and/or people that irk and annoy them and banish them to Room 101 as per George Orwell’s novel 1984.  It got me thinking about my own list of things.  For those who are interested, here it is:

Frank Skinner – the presenter of Room 101, the most irritating, unfunny bloke on TV


Cold callers

Scan-yourself check-outs in supermarkets

Any supermarket that charges for bags


Mobile phone users on public transport

Incorrect grammar, especially the use of ‘sat’ instead of ‘sitting’; misuse … Read the rest »

Getting Exciting!

Well, what a great few days! First of all, I’ve had some brilliant reviews for my blog tour of Singles’ Holiday.  You can read them all on my Facebook page,  I am going to have a Review section on my website where all my interviews – two great ones this week, too – and reviews are together as soon as the lovely Lisa, who’s been busy with the cover for Singles and Spice, has a moment to do it for me.  Speaking of which, I am over-the-moon with the cover Lisa’s produced for Singles and Spice.  I really love … Read the rest »

Onkers Bonkers

Yesterday, as those of you who read my post Time Doesn’t Heal will have seen, I was feeling down as it was the anniversary of my Dad’s death.  Later on in the day, I opend the fridge to find myself face to face with a large pot of Onken yoghurt.  This, as always, made me smile.  Yesterday it made me laugh out loud.

Seeing the word Onken always reminds me of the time my parents were visiting me in Majorca when I was first working as a holiday rep.  Dad threw himself into learning Spanish with the same gusto and … Read the rest »

Time Doesn’t Heal

It was twenty-three years ago today that my dad died.  If you had told me then that twenty-three years on I would still miss him I probably wouldn’t have believed you.  The initial pain of his death was such that for a time I didn’t think I’d ever get over it, but inside I believed the cliches such as “Time heals”.  It doesn’t.  What time does is it enables you to live with your loss.  You get on with the business of living your life WITH your loss, rather than GETTING OVER your loss.  And sometimes a huge wave of … Read the rest »

Wonderful Women and will.i.wish

I was so pleased and proud to hear that my dear friend Julie Carter had been nominated for a Community Award by Thurrock Council and then thrilled and delighted to find out that she had won!  Julie truly deserves this.  She has brought so much to the borough over the years with her fab performing arts school, Tip Toe, and her pre-school Scallywags.  Her commitment to children and young people is second to none and in an age where so many young people hang about doing nothing, claiming they’re bored and getting into trouble, she offers them other options.  Julie … Read the rest »

Things are Moving…

We had such a positive Melabeau production meeting yesterday.  With three projects in the pipeline – Single Holidays stageplay tour, TV pilot episode and panto – things are suddenly getting exciting and it feels like we’re really moving forward!  So much to do, but we’re getting great people interested in coming on board and that is such a boost.  Check out our website and FB page later this week for all our updates.

Also had another great 1-2-1 with the inspiring Nicola May on Saturday.  Anyone wanting guidance re a writing or publishing career I can’t recommend her highly enough.  … Read the rest »

Culling and a Six Quid Kick

One of my favourite sounds is that of rain against the windowpane.  I can remember as a child curling up on my bed and losing myself in a book to its rhythmic beat, conjuring up comforting memories of bowls of tomato soup and feeling warm and cosy.  As I’m writing this, the rain is pummelling against the window, but I have to admit I’m getting a bit fed up with it now.  There’s only so much wet and damp you can take, isn’t there?  The fields opposite me are completely sodden with huge lake-like puddles covering over half of them.  … Read the rest »

Mrs Wilberforce Was Right

One of the lines that always got one of the biggest laughs in the Ladykillers belonged to Mrs Wilberforce.  We’d stand behind the set waiting for our cue and the wonderful Marcia Warren, or no less wonderful Angela Thorne would deliver the line: Our tea-time is three; we’re old, we get up at four-thirty.

The last two mornings I’ve found those words going round in my head as I’ve woken up just after four on both days.  I didn’t get up, of course.  No way!  I watched tv and read, but it did set me pondering the question: does this … Read the rest »


After a whingey start to last week, things soon picked up, I’m pleased to say.

On Thursday I had lunch in the Dorchester with the Sister and the Brother; it was the Brother’s Christmas present to us.  Fabulous food, great service, as you would, of course, expect. Unfortunately, at the end of the meal I came sashaying out of the Ladies’ Powder Room with my skirt tucked in my knickers.  Fortunately, the Sister was behind me, or I’d have sashayed through the foyer and up Park Lane liike it!  As I said on Facebook – you can take the girl … Read the rest »

Mature Professional Lady

I sometimes forget I’m a qualified aromatherapist.  Because I haven’t practised for a number of years I’ve, lamentable, got out of the habit of using aromatherapy oils, which is such a shame as their power and influence is benignly wonderful.  This week I’ve been feeling really down.  Several factors have influenced this, not least of all the loss of Martine.  But besides that I feel as if someone’s taken my life and thrown it up in the air and all I can do is wait for the pieces to fall into place, which I don’t like!!

First of all, I … Read the rest »