Masood Needs Me

I know it’s not real.  But sometimes I get swept into TV programmes.  For instance, tonight, and the last couple of nights I’ve been so mad with the EastEnders production team.  I mean, how could Carol hurt Masood like that?  Can the poor man not find happiness?  First his ghastly wife, then Jane (what a lovely couple they made) and now Carol’s dumped him for David.  I used to like David when he was in it before (seeing Michael French up close once at the Anna Scher Theatre had much to do with that) but now he’s getting on my … Read the rest »

Hell Freezes Over

It suddenly occurred to me on Friday night, just how long it is since I was last in Spain.  And how much I miss it.  The Sister and I went to celebrate a birthday dinner with our friend D in La Tasca at Lakeside, along with three other friends and we had a fabulous evening.  The place was buzzing – good job we booked!  The waiter was attractive as only a Spanish waiter can be; the food was excellent; the cava sangria divine and the company smashing.  We laughed and laughed and laughed about old times spent in Ibiza as … Read the rest »

The Magic That Was Martine

So, we step over the hypothetical line into a New Year.  After spending a truly wonderful New Year’s Day with my two Auntie Joans – one, unfortunately in hospital with a broken hip, the other celebrating her 87th birthday with a broken arm – and lots of the Cousins, the Sister, the Brother, the Sister-in-Law and the Nephews I was lulled into a false sense of hope and expectation for 2014, especially after having lost six special people during 2013.  I say “false” because yesterday it all came crashing down with the news that my lovely friend Martine Doolan had … Read the rest »

It Was the Year When…

At the start of a new year it’s easy to fall into the trap of making resolutions that there isn’t a cat in hell’s chance of you keeping.  And believe me, this is the Voice of Experience talking.  I’ve lost count of the number of New Year’s Eves when I would binge eat because as soon as I woke up on 1st January I was going to go on the diet to end all diets; The Diet That Would Make Me Skinny By My Birthday In March.  Of course, after two days of no carbs, or no fats, or no … Read the rest »

My Christmas Eve

As the King once sang – What A Night!

Like most of the country, I lay awake listening to what sounded like the end of the world, last night.  Rain lashing against the windows which were being shaken, rattled and rolled by the wind (do we notice an Elvis theme developing here?).  In the end, I got up at five and I’ve been writing ever since, my pre-Christmas writer’s block appears to be over, I’m pleased to say.

It’s strange really, writing a book set in the heat of India, while it’s winter here.  Although, perhaps with the rain and … Read the rest »

Christmas Excesses

Only six days to go!  Which means that today is 19th December.  So why am I feeling totally Christmased out?  Perhaps because I’ve already had quite a few Christmas dinners?

Don’t get me wrong – I’ve had some really lovely social events in the last couple of weeks.  There was my lovely three-day visit to V in Rainhill, which involved not only a Christmas dinner but also a paella with sangria and a panto!  Great time!  Then I had Christmas lunch with the DCHS girls; my three oldest friends.  And when I say oldest here, can I please clarify that … Read the rest »

Strictly Brainwashing

I’ve been a fan of Strictly Come Dancing since it began because I just love dancing and everything about it was gorgeous.  But over the years the programme has descended into farce.

My biggest comment has always been that it’s unfair to have male celebrities dancing against female celebrities as it’s much harder for the men as they have to learn to lead.  Quite frankly, any woman can look reasonably good dancing with a professional partner as all you have to do is follow.  So why don’t they have all the women against each other and all the men against … Read the rest »

Up North

Well, it’s been a while since my last blog – or at least it seems so.  Life has been on the hectic spectrum and now that I am due to have my hand operation in January I won’t be able to type for a few weeks so the clock is ticking to get Singles in India finished before the op.  The surgeon operating on me said “It’s a painful operation; your hand will be very sore.”  “Don’t you hold back, doc.  You give it to me straight,” I said!   I’m bracing myself because I really do not do pain.  At … Read the rest »

My Feet Haven’t Touched the Ground

How can it already be Tuesday?  And 3rd December at that?  It seems as if it was last Christmas just two or three months ago, but certainly I can’t believe I’ve already been home four days.

the flight on Thursday night through Friday morning was a real rollercoaster.  We rocked and rolled and dinner service had to be suspended twice as it was too turbulent for the crew to move about the cabin.  As always, bittersweet leaving Antigua, especially as I’m not sure at the moment when I’ll be back…….

I really hit the ground running, though. As soon as … Read the rest »

Running Out Of Time

It’s a very windy day today, which is nice.  The breeze is blowing right through Avocado Cottage, taking away the heat and the washing that I put out less than half an hour ago is already dry.  I can’t believe how the days are now racing away and that I’m leaving the day after tomorrow :(((

I wake up very early here, by six-thirty usually, and yet what seems like three hours later the sun is setting and that’s another day almost over.  I’ve been racing on with Singles in India and two nights ago found myself researching until 2am.  … Read the rest »