The Company of Women

I’ve had the loveliest few days in the company of girl-friends.  There is nothing quite as satisfying as a good old belly-laugh together and at the same time, when women who are on the same wave-length, whatever their background, colour, religion or circumstances get together and support and encourage each other, something magical happens.

I am truly blessed to have amazing women in my life, both in England and in Antigua.  They, too, have taken leaps of faith to leave jobs and/or situations where they weren’t valued, or that were no longer healthy for them or conducive to their well-being.  … Read the rest »

Jolly Good Day

Today I behaved like a tourist.

I decided to spend the day at the Jolly Beach Resort, on a Day Pass   It’s more than ten years since I went to JBR for the first time, back in July 2003 and two years to the month that I took my last singles’ group there.  Of course, I didn’t know then that it was going to be my last ever job; my mum had just been diagnosed with cancer and I was on what I thought was compassionate leave when I was fired for writing my novel, Singles’ Holiday.

As it turned … Read the rest »

Rock On Down!

I am bursting with pride at being the MC at the Rock Choirs concert (Details below)

Nothing lifts you like singing your heart out at the top of your voice, so come along and join us.  You’ll have a great time while helping to raise funds for two really worthwhile charities and celebrating the memory of Annette Macaluso, who died earlier this year.  Thank you.… Read the rest »

Upper Class Candelabras

I was so pleased to see that one of the films being shown on my flight to Antigua on Thursday morning was Behind the Candelabra because I’d wanted to see it when it came out in the cinema but couldn’t get to a showing.

It was a brilliant film, not least of all because of the amazing performances of the three main protagonists; Michael Douglas, Matt Damon and Rob Lowe.  Each of them, especially Rob Lowe as the spaced-out slightly creepy plastic surgeon, created a really three-dimensional totally believable character in a story that was just incredible in that it … Read the rest »

Parked Up Sidekick Alley

Last week it was such a refreshing surprise to hear a woman’s voice on Radio 2.  Jeremy Vine was off on his hols and Vanessa Feltz was sitting in for him.  It had dawned on me a few days earlier that Radio 2 has male presenters on the whole day through; Chris Evans, Ken Bruce, Jeremy Vine, Steve Wright and Simon Mayo.  Poor old Vanessa gets the up-at-dawn-slot of 5-7.30am and then the only other female voices heard from then on are giving the traffic news or occasionally reading the news.  Janice Long gets midnight.  The only female I can … Read the rest »

Dear Grandad

Dear Grandad,

Although you died many years before I was born and so we never ever met, I wanted to send this open letter to you to tell you just how proud  and how in awe I am of you and of your bravery.

You see, Dad, that’s your son Ron, never spoke much about you other than to say you worked hard and played hard and I now realise that he probably didn’t know much about you because what happened to you in WWI you kept to yourself and didn’t talk about.  Joanne, that’s Stan’s daughter, sent me a … Read the rest »

They Gave Their Tomorrow…..

What a way to start the week!

I happened to have theTV on this morning and suddenly found I couldn’t stop watching a BBC programme called Remembrance Day.  And I’ve been crying my eyes out ever since.  Dear God!  It was so, so moving.  Now, I have to say that I have never been able to read any of the Trench Poets without tears rolling down my face; Wilfred Owen’s Dulce Et Decorum Est being my favourite and the pathos surrounding his life and death is truly upsetting.  And on Remembrance Day, those words “They shall not grow old as … Read the rest »


Having the flu jab last week gave me mild flu-like symptoms for a few days. Last night I felt under par and so went in for a bit of self-nurturing – snuggled on settee, wrapped in duvet, sipping hot chocolate and watching Poirot.

I love Poirot.  And Miss Marple.  I’ve always wanted to be in one, oh not as a lead – I know my place! – but as Cook.  Physically I’m ideal and I could always see myself in mop cap and apron, worriedly kneading dough whilst uttering the immortal line “Lord above!  We’ll never get Her Ladyship’s lunch … Read the rest »

The Tempest Is Coming

So, here I am, hatches battoned, under the duvet, candles and choccy bicscuits to hand on the settee all cosy waiting for the Big Storm to arrive.

I’ve just been sad to see Deborah go out of Strictly.  How on earth did she and dishy Patrick end up in the bottom two?  It’s a DANCING competition, people!  Nice to see Earth Wind and Fire on the show – or Rain Hail and Sleet as my mum once mistakenly called them.  Also sad to see that Anton, who I really like, apparently goes to the same hairdresser as Paul McCartney.

So, … Read the rest »

Mr Marmite

I was browsing on FB last night and came across a link to the Paxman – Brand interview. Russell Brand, that is, not Jo.  I clicked on it and found myself chuckling along.

You see, I’ve always had a soft spot for Russell.

I love his use of language, his vocabulary and his ability to articulate, especially now that he has lost that foppish tone.  I loved the way he silenced Paxman and was able to come back at him time and time again. He had an answer for everything Paxman put to him.

Did I agree with everything he … Read the rest »