Help!  Please, help me!

My body appears to have been taken over by an alien force.  Either that or I am very, very sick, indeed.

You see….  this morning I went to Zumba!  Yes, you did read that correctly.  And afterwards I had a swim and aquarobics workout.  Yes, me!  The woman who has a severe allergic reaction to physical exercise (well not ALL physical exercise, obviously!).  I decided on zumba because I like dancing.  I went along with the Sister, who is extremely fit and as those of you who know us can confirm, is half my size.  There … Read the rest »

Noisy, Dusty, Busy Easter Monday!

Avocado Cottage is full of workmen, even though it’s Easter Monday, and so it’s noisy, dusty and busy.  But I couldn’t be happier to see the work getting done!  This has been such a flying visit but I’ve got more done than I could have dreamed of and what’s not done before I leave will be left in the hands of my very compentent project manager S, and I couldn’t leave it with a better person.

I’ve bought a beautiful little bistro set for the veranda and a wonderful rocking-chair – so wonderful, in fact, that I’m going back for … Read the rest »

BA Saga to Antigua.

Yesterday started well.  My taxi to Gatwick turned up on time; the road, apart from the  short  section of roadworks at the junction of the M25 and M26, was clear and we got there in plenty of time.  I checked in and made my way to the Aspire Lounge – so far so good!

Since I lost my Gold Member status with Virgin, I always book into a lounge as I find it’s well worth the money.  The Lounge itself is fine; I found a comfortable seat in a corner and had a pleasant breakfast, until Bunty and Geoffrey came … Read the rest »

Please Tell The Weather Fairy It’s Almost Easter

Well, the weather hasn’t got much better, has it?  I spent last week and the weekend freezing, as most of you did, too, I suppose.  And while I’m one of these strange people who actually doesn’t mind Winter, even I will be glad to see signs that Spring is here.  When I say I don’t mind Winter, what I really like is to see the changes of the seasons and I find beauty in all four of them.  But I’ve admired you enough now, Mr Winter – be off and make way for Ms Spring!!!   Thank God I’m off to … Read the rest »

Elaine, You Have Been Caught….

Fortunately, yesterday afternoon at 5pm I was having a bite to each and a catch up with my lovely friend Lyn and so I missed seeing myself on The Chase.  I know the programme went out because I had half a dozen missed calls and ten texts telling me I was on the telly.  I did know as I was there when they filmed it!!  Ha Ha!

Well, if you were (un)lucky enough to see it you’ll see that I didn’t come out of it exactly bathed in glory, did I?

The Chase was one of Mum’s favourite programmes and … Read the rest »

Sofa Day!!

I’m nursing a really nasty cold (all together now – “Ahhhhh!”).  So, I’m wallowing in the luxury of a SOFA DAY.  I’m on the sofa, with Loose Women playing softly in the background – Anthea’s accepting responsibility for Grant’s infidelity, what utter rubbish! -, dressing gown on, heating turned up, lamb doing in the slow-cooker, overdosing on Lemsip.

I’ve had a hectic few days – the birthday was lovely.  The Daughter, bless her, bought me a much wanted DVD player and Series One of Mrs Brown’s Boys to go with it.  I’ve already watched half the episodes, laughing out loud … Read the rest »

Teresa – A Birthday Tribute

Tomorrow is my birthday and I always like to mark it somehow, as since losing a cousin in childhood and two more as young adults, I never complain at another year passing because I am only too aware of the alternative.

And this year this grim reality has been brought home to me again with the news of the death this morning of my dear ex-sister-in-law Teresa.

Teresa was a highly-intelligent, articulate, intellectual who, had she been born in other circumstances or times, would undoubtedly have gone on to forge a career, most probably in politics.  As it was, he … Read the rest »

The First Mother’s Day Without Her.

Several times in the last couple of weeks I’ve found my stomach knots, my throat contracts and the tears flow.  This has happened when I’ve seen the enormous Mother’s Day displays that have been everywhere – supermarkets, card shops, florists, restaurants, hairdressers.

You see, this is the first Mother’s Day without Mum.

Everyone tells me that this is the hardest one, just as the first Christmas without her would be the hardest Christmas, but at the moment I feel as if it will never get any easier.  It seems strange, empty, not to be one of those looking through the … Read the rest »

Worth It!

It was a beautiful morning when I opened the front door and ventured out to buy the paper earlier.  So beautiful in fact, that I decided I should breathe in the fresh air and stretch my legs and so opted to walk to the newsagent’s.  That might not seem much of a feat, but I am known as the Woman Who Drives Everywhere.  It’s surprising how a little walk can cheer you up, not to mention make you feel self-satisfied!  But it DID make me feel better; it lifted my mood and the sunshine and the spring flowers poking through … Read the rest »


Well, I could roll all the cliches out – the darkest hour is just before dawn; the sun always rises; this too shall pass etc etc.  They’re all true, of course.   The dark cloud of my last post has floated away, pushed by one or two pieces of better news and suddenly the world doesn’t seem such a dismal depressing place.

Thanks to everyone who contacted me with uplifting words – I am so very grateful to you.  And I’m grateful for what I’ve got.  I’ve seen a couple of terrible tragedies on the News and have come to realise … Read the rest »