Wonderful Vaginas, Psychic Slimming and Into the Woods


So, after all the weeks of hard work, rehearsing through Skype, promotion, nerves, tears and belly-laughs, Melabeau Productions’ show, The Vagina Monologues is over.

I had a wonderful time.  It is one of the most empowering, eye-opening, liberating pieces of theatre and I am so glad that we did it.  I give myself a huge pat on the back for my casting decision; Anna Karen, Julie Barker, Feyi Babalola and Teresa Cole formed a formidable team, each very different yet with an almost tangible rapport on and off-stage.  Working with them was truly delightful.  It would have been nice … Read the rest »

Spiritual Healing

I have absolutely no truck whatsoever with religion.  ‘The opium of the people’, brainwashing, call it what you will, it is not for me and I do not understand those who follow religions, or whose faith makes them intolerant of others.  Rather like the political bigot, the religious bigot is blinded to the fact that they possess the very traits they criticise in others.  And, all those religions that I have come across have been laid down by men and these religions always place women in an inferior, subservient role.

However, I am a spiritual person.  I believe that there … Read the rest »