Rehearsed Reading and Ridley Road

It’s been a rewarding, busy time for me lately, I’m pleased to report.

Last Wednesday was spent rehearsing for Thursday’s Rehearsed Reading of Singles Holiday, the play, which took place at the Wenlock & Essex in Islington.  It was exciting to feel the play coming to life and I love what director Dave Milner is bringing to the production and performing to an audience for the first time, all be it a small one, gave the rehearsal vibrancy.  I can’t wait until we’re into rehearsals-proper and am very much looking forward to October when we are performing at the Brentwood … Read the rest »

Egg-Free Easter

I wasn’t sure how easy – or rather how difficult – Easter and its build up was going to be for me given that I’m a recovering chocoholic.  I do not say that in jest, or lightly, as I know from experience that giving up sugar for someone like me is as hard as an alcoholic getting on the wagon.  An alcoholic will have their favourite tipple and a sugar addict their favourite food.  And mine took the form of chocolate, preferably dark chocolate, my all-time favourite being Lindor dark chocolates and eggs.  But, like an alcoholic at their rock … Read the rest »